
Upland Pine, Blackwater River State Forest. Photo by Gary Knight

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

From Planning to Habitat Modeling, Partners Rely on FNAI Data

FNAI recently hosted a meeting with key data partners to discuss planned changes to the data format for our Element Occurrence GIS data, the most comprehensive and thoroughly-vetted coverage of rare species occurrences across Florida.  Representatives from several divisions of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Florida Forest Service, and U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service were in attendance.  

The meeting turned out to be a pleasant surprise as we learned of the variety of uses of and needs for FNAI’s data, ranging from land management planning, landowner assistance, regulatory permit review, hazardous waste site screening, and habitat modeling.  Attendees were eager to ensure that they are using and interpreting FNAI’s data as accurately as possible in their program work.

The meeting involved a refresher on FNAI’s element occurrence data framework, and gave partners a chance to offer feedback on data format and interpretation.   We were pleased with the consensus support for the improvements we are proposing.

It was satisfying and invigorating to know that the work we do every day is benefitting such a broad range of needs across Florida.  Stay tuned for more details on upcoming improvements to the format of FNAI’s Element Occurrence data.  We’ll share them here as they become available!

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